Sunday, November 19, 2006

Andy Stanley Message: Mistaken Identity

We went to Browns Bridge today, the new "branch" of Northpoint. I was out of town last week and missed the last in the Twisted series. Since they show the previous week's video at Buckhead and Browns Bridge I was able to go back in time as it were.

I'd encourage you to watch or listen to this one. It's called Mistaken Identity (11/12/06). His main point is to differentiate between "mistakes" (our society's current word for sin) and "sin". In the process, however, something wonderful comes through - God's love and remedy for, not "mistakers", but for sinners.

A point that I try to make often, especially when speaking of Adventism, is that the Law was given for a purpose. If we understand the law's purpose and allow it to play its role we understand our state and are driven to need a Savior and Salvation. These are both found in the person of Jesus Christ. However, if we misunderstand the nature and purpose of the Law, and especially misunderstand our Savior, we wind up drowning in a futile and hopeless existence, all within inches of the outstretched hand of our Lifeguard.

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